Monday, December 8, 2008

Bludgeoned into starting

Blog?? "To blog or not?", that has been the question for some time now. Who'd be interested? Who'd care or, most of all, Who cares or gives a damn? Probably not then. But, here's the rub, the idea won't go away and, in the end, what does it really matter what anybody else thinks? Do it then, nah - too much hassle etc, etc, etc.
So, what's changed then? Simply a mention to a sort of conscience about the possibilty and the pressure has come on big time. Bit like Jiminy Cricket actually, keeping the right thing to do in the forefront of the mind until, in the interests of retaining some form of sanity, here we go.
A blog needs a purpose, doesn't it? So what's mine to be? Air the philosophy of life according to Jim, clear the ever increasingly congested mental race track of dreams, regrets, doubts, hopes, perhaps just mumble away in whenwe fashion about that wonderful hot, usually dry, dusty world left behind on the other side of the equator or what? Maybe just rabbit on about whatever sparks the imagination and cover all the above and more. Yes, that's it. This is Jim's Mumblings after all.
So Worm, here we go! Now to keep the inspiration coming. maybe you'll need to keep the boot ready!

1 comment:

Wormy said...

YAY!!! Dad's blog!! Wooo hooo. :D BIG GRIN. Keeping the boot handy :)